Well, I realize how my son may feel about this, but my mind goes back to a Monday morning,
34 years ago -
Even before birth, he was filled with so much energy! I realized that he would always need to have things that would keep him interested and happy. And in due time, he would be going places, and practically ministering to so many.
Always surrounded by plenty of books and music, he first sang a gospel song when he was 15 months old, in key, and lead an invocation at age 3.
Was already very familiar with the 3 R's (reading, writing, arithmetic) during his 1st year of elementary school! In fact, his teacher became upset because he was so much smarter than many of other kids in the class, and she didn't have enough work to give him!
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Kevin at 2 months |
Always very curious, as well as studious, and never met a stranger! His first paying job was as a helper in a local neighborhood store, just so he could have money to play video games! What an incredible Renaissance-minded young man in the making!
Now look at him! An esteemed college graduate with a blooming career in his field, married almost 9 years to his college sweetheart, who is an amazingly astute, beautiful young lady herself, experiencing good life in the Lord, while living in their beautiful home together. In his spare time, tutoring and motivating interested kids through the Boys and Girls' Club of America, he continues to share his compassion and expertise with anyone willing to learn.
The Lord truly showed me that my son, with His help, would reach and attain greater heights in his life, and He remains faithful, keeping His Word! Even though I say this often, I am so extremely elated of my son, and thankful that The Father has shown Himself throughout, keeping him safely, just like He has promised!
HAPPY BLESSED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, Kevin Arturo!!! I LOVE YOU, and will always be proud of the wise, gifted man you continue to become!