(Isaiah 50:4)
What constitutes an honored vessel today, and do you realize how imperative the times have become, where those vessels are so much in demand today?
Our Heavenly Father has given us explicit instructions for these times, but are we indeed following them, during such a time as this?
Too many individuals are finding themselves swimming in a lake of depression, unsure of what their present day holds, wanting to give up on life. Or there are those who keep their blood-drenching claws, deeply embedded into some "poor, unfortunate soul," stifling in an otherwise unloving relationship, amiss dormancy contempt. Loneliness, grief, being misunderstood, fearful, "broke, busted and disgusted," as the saying goes. With so much encompassing all of us, are we boldly revealing to people that they really don't have to feel unnecessarily defeated, with no hope or true direction?
The scripture shows us just one of the many instances, when we hear from the The Most High, and DO what we hear, things can happen right before our very eyes. Ezekiel 37:1-14 tells us:
"The Hand of the LORD was upon me, and He brought me out by the SPIRIT of the LORD, and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones! He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, "Son of man, CAN THESE BONES LIVE?" I said, "Oh Sovereign FATHER, YOU ALONE KNOW!." Then He said to me, "PROPHESY to these bones, and SAY to them, 'DRY BONES, HEAR the WORD of the LORD! This is what the Sovereign Father says to these bones: I WILL MAKE BREATH enter you, and you will COME TO LIFE!"I will attach tendons to you, and make flesh come upon you, and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life! Then you will know that I AM THE LORD!'" So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones CAME TOGETHER, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them, and skin covered them, but there was NO BREATH IN THEM.Then He said to me, "Prophesy TO THE BREATH; Prophesy, son of man, and say to it, 'This is what the Sovereign FATHER says: COME from the four winds, OH BREATH, and BREATHE INTO these SLAIN, that they MAY LIVE!'" So I prophesied as He commanded me, and BREATH ENTERED THEM; they CAME to LIFE and STOOD UP on their feet—A VAST ARMY!
Then He said to me: "Son of man, these bones are the WHOLE HOUSE of ISRAEL! They say, 'Our bones are dried up, and our hope is gone; we are cut off!' Therefore, prophesy and say to them: 'This is what the SOVEREIGN FATHER says: Oh, my people, I AM GOING TO OPEN your graves and BRING YOU from them; I WILL BRING YOU BACK to the land of Israel! Then you, my people, will KNOW that I AM THE LORD, when I open your graves, and BRING YOU UP from them. I will put My SPIRIT in you, and YOU WILL LIVE, and I will SETTLE you in your own land! Then you will KNOW that I the LORD have SPOKEN, and I HAVE DONE IT, declares the LORD."
The scripture above tells us how the very Spirit of the Most High spoke
directly to Ezekiel, issuing a mandate to him. He was told to do
something that probably seemed awkward, or even presumably impossible,
but WHATEVER The Father says, can AND WILL be done, FOR HIS GLORY! He
also approached Ezekiel with a question - "Can these bones live?" It
appears that the answer Ezekiel gave in response further provided the
command. Not that our Heavenly Father already knew how Ezekiel would
respond, but so that Ezekiel himself could know that he was able to hear
the voice of The Almighty, while also believing, and seeing, the
supernatural manifestation of what The Father is capable of doing, when
he obeyed the command.
We have continually heard, whether in church services, through various ministers, evangelists, prophets, as well as biblical teachers, how important it is to watch what we allow to dispense out of our mouths, especially since "LIFE AND DEATH are IN the POWER of the TONGUE!" And since we have received POWER to "Speak those things that be not as though they were," Our Heavenly Father has also equipped us, through His Holy Spirit, to SPEAK LIFE into individuals.
Jesus/Yeshua said, in John 6:63, that "It is the
SPIRIT that quickens; the FLESH profits nothing: the WORDS that I speak
unto you, they are SPIRIT, AND they are LIFE!" Also, in John 12:50,
Jesus spoke,
As we listen more, before we speak, we have to remain mindful of what we hear. In order to form our lips to utter a "coined" phrase, consider how it would sound, if the same were to be spoken to us, and how it would affect us.
Instead of looking down at someone, and seeing what they may have done that was not exactly favorable to us, why not ask the Father to show us what He knows He's already placed in that person. Whether in or out of a church building, the ways of The Father are perfect, and during these especially difficult times, with everything transpiring in people's lives, can we ask The Sovereign Father to show us how we should SPEAK LIFE into those individuals He puts in our path? Those we need to encourage, inspire, bring hope and understanding, while we are here on earth?
Rather than telling someone they are no good, or will never amount to anything, speak into them that, before the very foundation of the world, The Father knew what they were destined to become, regardless to what their parents, or anyone else may have claimed over their life. Rather than squawking to someone that because of the mistakes they have made, that they are useless, proclaim that The Father has called them out of darkness, into the marvelous light, and they can live abundantly in Him. They are fearfully, wonderfully made by the Most High, created in His image and likeness.
We have continually heard, whether in church services, through various ministers, evangelists, prophets, as well as biblical teachers, how important it is to watch what we allow to dispense out of our mouths, especially since "LIFE AND DEATH are IN the POWER of the TONGUE!" And since we have received POWER to "Speak those things that be not as though they were," Our Heavenly Father has also equipped us, through His Holy Spirit, to SPEAK LIFE into individuals.
"I know that His commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak!"
As we listen more, before we speak, we have to remain mindful of what we hear. In order to form our lips to utter a "coined" phrase, consider how it would sound, if the same were to be spoken to us, and how it would affect us.
Instead of looking down at someone, and seeing what they may have done that was not exactly favorable to us, why not ask the Father to show us what He knows He's already placed in that person. Whether in or out of a church building, the ways of The Father are perfect, and during these especially difficult times, with everything transpiring in people's lives, can we ask The Sovereign Father to show us how we should SPEAK LIFE into those individuals He puts in our path? Those we need to encourage, inspire, bring hope and understanding, while we are here on earth?
Rather than telling someone they are no good, or will never amount to anything, speak into them that, before the very foundation of the world, The Father knew what they were destined to become, regardless to what their parents, or anyone else may have claimed over their life. Rather than squawking to someone that because of the mistakes they have made, that they are useless, proclaim that The Father has called them out of darkness, into the marvelous light, and they can live abundantly in Him. They are fearfully, wonderfully made by the Most High, created in His image and likeness.
"For our Heavenly Father did not appoint us to suffer wrath, but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him. Therefore, ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER, and BUILD EACH OTHER UP, just as in fact you are doing!" (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11)
The "American Dream" may be the thing to desire so that others can provide a show of pride, and sometimes envy. However, being an honored vessel is not just about obtaining materialistic possessions, or prestige, or even popularity, just to be boastful. "To whom MUCH is given, MUCH IS REQUIRED!" Let us keep that in mind, wherever we are, whenever we come in contact with individuals, we MUST BE FOUND EMULATING Our Heavenly Father's traits, TO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORY! There are too many lives at stake, and not enough positive provision. There is so much work to be done, and time is winding up. Share the joy, the goodness, the compassionate, merciful testimonies to them who feel they have no hope, thinking their life is not worth living.
SPEAK into those who appear lost, letting them know they are LOVED, regardless to the painted picture of despair constantly in front of their eyes. Our Sovereign Father, through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus/Yeshua, came to die once, for ALL who accepts Him in faith, to be filled with His Spirit, while walking in liberty, realizing there is absolutely nothing too hard for Him to do!
Go into the hedges and highways, compel others by revealing to them how thankful you are in your life, and how they can move into greatness, too. And, for the sake of our Sovereign Father, PLEASE, since we ourselves have been forgiven, saved from our old, sinful nature, spread love, and SMILE!
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