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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


As the third Sunday in June approaches, my memories of my own father resonate throughout my whole being.  Even though he has been gone from us naturally since 1992, I continue to be reminded of his caring, yet strong persona, while visualizing his attributes in my sons.  

The way Dad wanted to provide the best for his family, working 5-6 days weekly in the blue-collar arena, but still maintaining structure at home, keeping us together, was monumental. Mr. Jones, Brother Jones, or Mr. James (used as greetings by people from all walks of life), was a very seasoned individual, yet distinguished, teaching us to speak correct English at all times, proper etiquette, in order to enter any room with decorum, and chastised us whenever necessary, but never disregarded showing all of us fatherly love.  He had a strong dislike of the use of profanity, stating there is a dictionary full of meaningful words that can be used instead, which would supply better responses in any situation.  

Our father believed that God had a plan for all of our lives, while trying to make sure we knew what the love of God was.  As far as building character in us, he saw the destiny of God in all of us very early in our lives, regularly providing worship experience outlet, studying God's word, and the appreciation of singing praises to the Lord, especially since he sang with a quartet for years.  Dad knew the importance of instilling in us guidance, helping us to realize the invaluable growth of genuine  artistic expression we would later desire to excel in.  

I sincerely miss that type of fathering he projected, but nevertheless was, and remains a vital legacy, to which I consider myself quite blessed because of what he taught usWhen I was able to have my own children, even after becoming a divorced  mother, it became imperative that, with God's help, I could plant the same fruitful seeds that my father sowed in us, training them up in the way they should go.

The following is an excerpt of a writing I was fortunate enough to envision earlier, and thought it to be very appropriate for such a time as this!  Be blessed, everyone!


In my opinion, one of our greatest problems today is that people are going into life, into ministry or leadership of some kind without ever having been mentored or fathered themselves. I believe that the role of fathers today has been degraded in the public eye to the point that we have almost lost the vision for the critical role fathers play.  Appropriate, affectionate touch and affirmation, from a good father, who is a spiritual father, are probably the largest factors in building strong, personal spirits into our lives. Without the affirmation of our fathers, we will wander, looking for our identity in many other places, and perform for acceptance.  Here are some thoughts about good spiritual fathers:

It is on our father's knee that we learn that we are the apple of his eye - and God's eye.  We learn that we are a delight, a pleasure, and that we are desirable to be with.  He communicates our value as a contributing member of the family, the community, and the body of Christ.  Being received by him, gives us the confidence we need to live fully out of our true identity.  We have courage, based on what our Heavenly Father says about us, instead of performing to win the approval of everyone else.
We are not lured into sin with flattery, because our Father has affirmed our God-given purpose, gifting, talent and callings in life.  We are secure in bonded relationships, and able to trust God when Satan's cheap, easy counterfeits come along to lure us with empty promises. We are able to minister out of health and stability, that is based on God's truth.
If you have been blessed with such a Father, please let him know how fortunate you are.  If you are hurting as you read this, its not too late to ask God for a spiritual father (or mother), to re-parent you and love you, with God's agape love.  Ask God for discernment to know who has a fathering heart, so you will be blessed and loved to life (vs. rejected again).

You can pray for your own father or spiritual father, by loosing him from fleshly traits, and binding him to the heart of God, and to His character.  If you have been hurt by an uncaring church leader, ask God for a good father, who is a true spiritual father.  If you are afraid to choose one for yourself, the following comparison between a spiritual father, and someone who is just a Godly church leader, may help you to discern a true father and their motivations.  Some of these thoughts are taken from the book, "Mentoring and Fathering" by Schultz and Gaborit, and some from "Restoring the Christian Family" by John Sandford. 

Takes his childhood wounds to Jesus for healing
Takes his hurts out of the nearest person
Takes his fleshly reactions to the cross
Automatic reactions w/o leading of the Spirit
Forgives others, God and himself
Holds resentment, judgments, bitterness
Takes responsibility for sins he sown
Blames others for what he is reaping
Honors and respects his authorities
Undermines his own authority with dishonor
Is flexible and led of the Holy Spirit
Under fleshly inner vows in his own strength
Believes the best,  believes in you
Has bitter expectations that you will fail again
Confesses the sins of his fathers
Repeats the sins of his fathers and more
Touch, time, gifts, help, on your side
Loves you the way he wants to receive love
Hears God, is in agreement with Mom
Controls, dominates, competes, pouts
Appreciates/respects the opposite sex
Undermines feminine contributions
Encourages you for your own good
Flatters you and manipulates for his agenda
Finds time to be available to you
Is too busy to spend quality time
Will bless you when you are led to leave
Will cut you off if you are led to move on
Prays for you without ceasing
Will pray if you ask him
Willingly imparts spiritual gifts and wisdom
Doesn't want to lose (spiritual) advantage
Sees potential gifts, talents & callings in you
Only sees you as you are now
Trusts you to step out (with room to fail)
Will not release you for fear of your failure
Isn't afraid to discipline or correct you
Will either avoid correction or will over react
Has a heart to restore the brokenhearted
Withdraws from high maintenance children
Will pay a debt they do not owe
Will hold your debts over your head
Will fellowship with other fathers
Will hide from accountability to his peers
Moves toward the current move of God
Weds you to his beliefs, past moves 
Is not threatened by your other relationships
Tries to control who you hear and who you serve
  Teaches you dependence on God also
  Keeps you dependent on him
  Teaches you Truth from God's Word
  Teaches you his doctrinal bias
  Has the heart of a true worshiper of God
  "Attends" or sends you to a worship service
  Is happy when you succeed more than he
  Is threatened when you succeed more than he
  Has the 'team' concept of service
  Has a 'golfer caddy' idea of your service
  Makes you feel comfortable / protected
  Threatens to expose you or attack you
  Helps, wanting nothing in return
  Expects something for helping you
  Willing to admit his weaknesses
  Will not admit weakness or mistakes
  Is interested in what you are doing
  Only what he is doing / his vision
  Is relationship oriented and sensitive
  Is task oriented
  Communicates well and listens well
  Feels bothered and put upon by you
  Hears God and leads by the Holy Spirit
  Influences or controls for his own agenda