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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Monday, September 30, 2013

September is GOSPEL MUSIC HERITAGE MONTH: If It Wasn't For The Lord, Where Would We Be???


"For in the days of David and Asaph of old there were chief of the singers, and songs of praise and thanksgiving unto the Father!"
(Nehemiah 12:46)

Dorothy Love Coates & Gospel Harmonettes
As long as I can remember, Gospel music has been a true source of inspiration in my life.  Likewise, it has played a vital role in the life of my family members. 

Early on, I gained access though my dad, a first tenor in a quartet he sang with during the '50s and '60s, who introduced me to the best music genres of all time.  He would put a stack of 78-rpm records on the stereo, and sing along with the hymn or tune, spreading joy throughout the house.  Dad would share with us how imperative it was to pay close attention to the lyrical content, and the instrumental tones, leaving us with a thriving sense of truth-bearing significance.

The Davis Sisters
Interestingly enough, our amazingly maternal grandmother was also an instrumental factor, singing during her frequent visits to our home in Manhattan, NY, or around her own Brooklyn home, as well as her home in SC.  One year, while suffering through her most-severe stroke, I paid a visit to her in the hospital.  She was unable to speak, yet hummed songs of praise while lying in that bed!  Through that experience, I learned that no matter what may be going on, in or around me, whenever I sing, or hum an inspirational melody, especially one confirming the Word of the Father, I must trust that He WILL work everything out, for my good!

The Swan Silvertones
The Barrett Sisters
There are a countless array of songs, that have been recorded and released, by various music artists in the last century.  However, in the last decade, while there are some that seep into my very being, many fail to move me, in the same way the songs of old have, and continue to do.  

Heritage denotes life-longevity, how powerful, how in-depth, how anointed the message is, feeding us, and being a constant reminder of how we are never forsaken.  That's what a Gospel song should always be about.   When I'm having an interesting day, whether somewhat ill at ease, uncertain momentum, or realizing just how much the Father has continued to provide His mercy, grace and love, I'm reminded of a right song, at the right time!  
Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs! Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to Our Heavenly Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! (Ephesians 5:19-20)
Edwin Hawkins Singers
Gospel music administers many variables.  I know you are aware of what I mean. 

It flows through our spirit-man, like the listening of an engaging story, or parable, in melody form.  And you know the effect it leaves inwardly, whenever you hear a tune, on TV, radio, even walking through the mall.  What it sounds like determines the feeling you receive.  

There are countless numbers of music ministers who the Father has utilized to bless us, speak to our hearts, through His Word, and Spirit.  Those highly-anointed psalmists, who allowed the Holy Spirit to move inside of them, while providing them an attentive ear, as they extended to us the importance of a beautiful song, with captivating lyrics, and divine interpretation of melodies.

Dr. Margaret P. Douroux
The magnificence of the individuals who responded to the call, including such greats as Thomas Dorsey, Margaret Allison, Albertina Walker, Roberta Martin, Sallie Martin, Clara Ward, James Cleveland, Thomas Whitfield, or even Dr. Mattie Moss Clark, and we relish in those who've patterned, learned to pick up the Gospel music mantle.
V. Michael McKay
For decades, whenever I feel like I can't see my way, I'm reminded that we've been blessed to have compositions from Edwin and Walter Hawkins, Richard Smallwood, Hezekiah Walker, John P. Kee, Dr. Margaret Douroux, Dr. V. Michael McKay, etc., provided to continue in the Gospel music legacy.  And each one has a timeless element attached, just as Gospel music extends, yesterday, today, and always. 

Smokie Norful
Min. Thomas Whitfield
And, please, let's not ignore the composers of those songs that leave a remarkable imprint on us by the younger ministers today, and keep them lifted in prayer so they can remain being used by the Father.  Donald Lawrence, Donnie McClurkin, Yolanda Adams, Kirk Franklin, Tye Tribbett, VaShawn Mitchell, and Smokie Norful must carry the anointed torch, to the Glory of the Father, writing heavenly, ministering love songs of praise and testimony.

Below is a list, not in any particular order, of just some of my all-time favorite gospel songs, whether composed or ministered.  Each one never gets old, keeping me encouraged, inspired, full of hope, faith, and the willingness to look ahead to all of the Father's promises: 
  1. Twelve Gates To The City-The Davis Sisters
  2. Oh, Sinner-The Davis Sisters
  3. He'll Understand and Say Well Done-The Davis Sisters
  4. Holdin' On-Dorothy Love Coates and Gospel Harmonettes
  5. How I Got Over-Mahalia Jackson
  6. Sweet Sweet Spirit-Doris Akers (composer)
  7. Be Careful of the Stones That You Throw-The Staple Singers
  8. May The Works I've Done-The Consolers
  9. Jesus Will Fix It-The Caravans
  10. I Don't Feel Noways Tired-James Cleveland & Salem Inspirational Choir
  11. Highway To Heaven-Dr. Margaret Douroux (composer)
  12. Touch of Hem of His Garment-The Soul Stirrers
  13. Is My Living In Vain-The Clark Sisters
  14. Got So Much To Shout About-The Dixie Hummingbirds
  15. Only Believe-The Swan Silvertones
  16. Precious Lord, Take My Hand/You've God A Friend-Aretha Franklin
  17. The Storm Is Passing Over-Charles Tindley (composer)
  18. Give Me A Clean Heart-Dr. Margaret Douroux (composer)
  19. We're Blessed-Dr. Margaret Douroux (composer)
  20. The Question Is-The Winans
  21. My Liberty-Southeast Inspirational Choir
  22. Now Behold The Lamb-Kirk Franklin and Family
  23. Touch Me, Lord Jesus-Margaret Allison & Angelic Singers
  24. AMEN-Jester Hairston (composer)
  25. Halleluiah, Anyhow-Min. Thomas Whitfield (composer)
  26. God Is On Our Side-Min. Thomas  Whitfield (composer)
  27. Soon As I Get Home-Min.Thomas Whitfield (composer)
  28. Perfect Peace-Min. Keith Pringle
  29. It's In My Heart-James Cleveland and Angelic Voices
  30. Peace Be Still-James Cleveland and Angelic Voices
  31. Joy, Joy-The Edwin Hawkins Singers (composer)
  32. I've Got Something-The Richard Smallwood Singers (composer)
  33. Oh, To Be Kept-James Cleveland
  34. Be Grateful-Walter Hawkins (composer)
  35. He's That Kind of Friend-Walter Hawkins (composer)
  36. Speak Lord-The Clark Sisters (composers)
  37. We Shall Behold Him-Dottie Rambo (composer)
  38. I'm In Your Care-The Canton Spirituals
  39. I Made It-The Canton Spirituals feat. Albertina Walker
  40. I Won't Be Back-The Caravans
  41. For God So Loved The World-Lanny Wolf (composer)
  42. He Decided To Die-Dr. Margaret Douroux (composer)
  43. Jesus Can Work  It Out-Dr. Charles Hayes & Cosmopolitan Church Choir
  44. Soon And Very Soon-Andrae Crouch (composer)
  45. Ordinary People-Danniebelle Hall (composer)
  46. Please Be Patient With Me-James Cleveland & Albertina Walker
  47. God Is-James Cleveland and Southern California Choir
  48. When Jesus Comes-Sarah Jordan Powell
  49. I Won't Complain-Min. Paul Jones (composer)
  50. Changed-Walter Hawkins (composer)
  51. God Has Smiled On Me-James Cleveland (composer)
  52. Holy One-Tramaine Hawkins
  53. Nobody But Jesus- Daryl Coley or Vanessa Bell Armstrong
  54. My Soul Loves Only You-Sandra Crouch
  55. Soon-B C & S Singers
  56. Come And Go With Me To My Father's House-The Edwin Hawkins Singers
  57. I've Been In The Storm Too Long-The Mighty Clouds of Joy
  58. Lord, Let Me Be An Instrument-James Cleveland & Charles Fold Singers
  59. I'm So Satisfied-The Rance Allen Group
  60. I'm Just A Nobody-The Williams Brothers
  61. If You Move, I'll Fall-The Williams Brothers
  62. I'm Still Holding On-Luther Barnes and Red Bud Choir
  63. Remember Me, Oh Lord-Caravans
  64. Carry Me Home-Caravans
  65. We're Blessed-Fred Hammond
  66. We Fall Down-Kyle Matthews (composer)
  67. Order My Steps-GMWA Women of Worship
  68. Grateful Is Our God-Hezekiah Walker
  69. Center of My Joy-Richard Smallwood (composer)
  70. I Need You Now-Smokie Norful
  71. That's When You Blessed Me-L A Mass Choir
  72. Since Jesus Stepped Into My Life-GMWA feat. Isaac Douglas
  73. He Got Up-Edwin Hawkins/Music And Arts Seminar Mass Choir
  74. The Corinthian Song-Dr. V. Michael McKay (composer)
  75. Call Him Up-Keith Pringle & Pentecostal Church Choir
  76. All Is Well-GMWA feat. Min. Donald Vails and Cleveland Singers
  77. He'll Welcome Me-John P. Kee
  78. Clap Your Hands-John P. Kee
  79. Restoration-Winans
  80. Millions-Winans
  81. Everything You Touch Is A Song-Winans
  82. Jesus Is A Love Song-Clark Sisters
  83. Bless Me (Prayer of Jabez)-Donald Lawrence & Tri-City Singers
  84. Sweep Around-Williams Brothers
  85. Thank You-Walter Hawkins & Love Center Choir
  86. If It Had Not Been For The Lord-Dr. Margaret Douroux
  87. We Magnify Your Name-Lecresia Campbell
  88. Revelation Song-Kari Jobe
  89. My Help-Bam Crawford
  90. Oh, It Is Jesus-Andrae Crouch
  91. Your Love Divine-Richard Smallwood
  92. Thank You-Richard Smallwood
  93. Total Praise-Richard Smallwood
  94. My Life Is In Your Hands-Kirk Franklin
  95. Something About The Name-Kirk Franklin
  96. Your Majesty-Bishop T. D. Jakes
  97. Falling In Love With Jesus-Kirk Whalum feat. Jonathan Butler
  98. We Are Not Ashamed-Andrae Crouch (composer)
  99. I Have A Father-Ron Winans Family & Friends feat. CeCe Winans
  100. I Love The Lord-Richard Smallwood (composer)
  101. My Liberty-Southeast Inspirational Choir feat. Yolanda Adams
  102. Lord, Make Me Over-Tonex

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gospel Music Month: It's Not Just About Us!

"It's all about me, myself and I!
What I want, is what I want, and that is all that matters, TO ME!"

These phrases are quoted quite often.  You would think that with everything taking place around us, the last thing on our minds would be only ourselves.  Those of us who have lived through trying or difficult times, I'm aware this is not anything new to you.  But it has become evident that a sudden flux of viewing a spirit in several human beings, walking in their own desires, without any regard for how others may be affected, have become most common.  

God has called us to be mindful of how the feelings of someone else would come into play.  It's really not "cool" to be preoccupied with only our wants, while what we do or say would possibly ensnare the very heart of another person negatively.   
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but IN HUMILITY consider others better than yourselves! 
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the  interests of others!"
(Philippians 2:3-4)
 What happened to walking in what The Anointed One told us, "GIVE, AND it SHALL BE GIVEN unto YOU; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall MEN GIVE unto YOUR bosoms!"  My take on that scriptural verse does not solely reference monetary tithes or offerings, but in various other ways of expression.  To whom much is given, much is required!  So would it be nice if we start practicing more of what we preach?

Remember the parable Jesus/Yeshua spoke of, regarding the rich ruler, who inquired how he would be able to obtain eternal life?  It was plain to see that the individual, who accumulated so much in life, and thought he kept all the Ten Commandments by his own merit, assumed he could just buy his way into living in everlasting splendor.  However, he was not expecting the answer to be "sell ALL that you have, and GIVE IT TO THE POOR, and you will have treasure in heaven! THEN, come follow Me!"  

Needless to say, the ruler did not appreciate hearing that, for he determined in his mind that he had enough wealth to practically pay for a nice, comfy seat.  Afterward, the ruler was told, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!  Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

In spite of owning so much you don't have space to put all your possessions, the Father would rather we transmit thankfulness in whatever state we're in.  As I've always heard, "you've never seen a bank safe following a hearse!"  

Be content, and when the Father shows us someone less fortunate, instead of looking at them with disgust, get up, go through your closets, or basement storage.  Maybe there are some things you can offer, especially when those same things are collecting dust.  Then you'll see the windows truly open and pour into your life, as well as your seed, and their seed's seed, because of the planting lessons you've taught!
Young men, in the same way be submissive to those who are older.  All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the HUMBLE!" (1 Peter 5:5)
The amazingly great Dr. Walter Hawkins composed a song, "Be Grateful," that continues to reign true to this day.  I have loved listening and singing it, since purchasing the album in 1978.  Left with such conviction, we are constantly reminded that it could always be worse, so "count it all JOY," STAY HUMBLE, and the Father will exalt you in due time!



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Will The REAL Creative Artists of Film, PLEASE STAND UP?!?

"It's pretty hard for the Lord to guide you, when you haven't made up your mind which way you want to go!" ~Madame C J Walker (Sarah Breedlove)

Why is it so difficult for us to realize who or whose we are today, being determined to know our history, while allowing it to remind us that we do matter, and there is a plan for our lives that the Father has already ordained?  We do not have to exist as though we are still bound, when we are already made free through the shed-blood of the Messiah! 

Now that all of these flicks have premiered, with the same ordinary statements, pointing to obvious connections, can we now have some truly creative screenwriters to rise to the occasion, providing more inspirational insight?

Remember when there were 3 major networks, cable wasn't provided, yet we were exposed to some of the best shows, TV-movies, documentaries, and an impressive array of entertainment specials?

Regarding theater or television showings today, I find it so interesting how there are many remakes of already-monumental movie blockbusters of the past, or an enormous amount of reality shows on TV.  Now, mind you, I love the FAST AND FURIOUS collection, and RUSH HOUR trilogy.  Even the IRON MAN series is absolutely epic.

However, do we not perceive how we should continually have an astute sense of obligation, when it comes to teaching young people to become more motivated in having a dream, and pursuing it?  That we keep the youth encouraged, regardless to whether their home environment leaves much to be desired, their father doesn't claim them enough to be regularly involved in their life, or their teachers in school unusually bombarded with rules and regulations, cannot be directly concerned with discreet envisaging of each student?

Personally, I have always loved historically-sound true stories, how they provide established inspiration, revealing how there is nothing too hard for  us to do, when the Father shows us a vision.  It would actually be a very great idea, for someone, with a gifted flair to construct a screen-writing prowess, to ascribe something relating to a particular inventor, such as this woman:
Madame C. J. Walker
Madame C. J. Walker (12/23/1867-5/25/1919), was a businesswoman, hair care entrepreneur, tycoon and philanthropist.  She rose to esteemed  prominence, in twelve years, from a washerwoman making only $1.50 a day, to a position of wealth and influence among members of her race. 

Originally known as Sarah Breedlove, she was born in 1867 in poverty-stricken rural Louisiana.  The daughter of former slaves, she was orphaned at the age of seven.  Along with her older sister Louvenia, she survived by working in the cotton fields of Delta and Vicksburg, Mississippi.  

Sarah was married to Moses McWilliams, at age fourteen, and her only daughter A'Lelia, was born in 1885.  Becoming a widow at age 20, after the death of her husband, she traveled to St. Louis to join her four brothers who had established themselves as barbers.  She worked as a cook, laundrywoman, etc., until she reached the age of 37.  One morning, while bending over her wash, she suddenly realized there was no prospect on her meager salary to set aside anything for retirement, or old age. 

Annie Malone
During the 1890s, she began to suffer from a scalp ailment that caused her to lose her hair.  Embarrassed by her appearance, she began experimenting with a variety of home-made remedies and products.  After sending up prayers for God to help save her hair loss, she received an answer from the heavens.  She dreamed of a man appearing to her, providing the ingredients needed for the mixture that would assist in growing hear hair back.  She made some up in her bathtub, tried it out on herself, and surprisingly discovered, it worked!  She was soon selling the dream-inspired development to her friends and neighbors. 

However, in St. Louis, similar products were already being made by another black woman entrepreneur, Annie Malone.  In 1905, Sarah became a sales agent for Malone, then moved to Denver, Colorado, where she would launch her own hair tonic business, which she accomplished, on a capital of $1.25.  A plan was devised, and Sarah made sure it was securely set in motion.

On January 4, 1906, around the time the products were becoming more popular, she married Charles Joseph Walker, a newspaperman and publicist, changing her name to Mrs. C. J. Walker.  She gave herself the name "Madame" to add a touch of class to the name of her products.

In a few years she had accumulated a large sum, and invested in real estate in the West, South, and in New York State.  Only retaining a six-grade learning herself, she realized the importance of obtaining education at its finest, a dream she wanted for her daughter.  Enough money was saved for A'Lelia's education, who graduated high school, also attending Knoxville College, one of the goals Madame Walker was able to check off the list of accomplishments.  In addition, she became involved in activities with the National Association of Colored Women. 

Madame Walker's fortune was made by developing and marketing a hugely successful line of beauty and hair products for black women, under the company she founded, Madame C. J. Walker Manufacturing.  By 1911 her company employed over 950 agents who earned around $1,000 a month compared to the $45 a month unskilled white workers earned.

Determined to provide superlative delegates, specializing in quality representation, she opened a business school.  Lelia College, in Pittsburgh, PA, was initiated so that potential sales agents could be trained properly for the business.  They were taught how to demonstrate the hair products, and door-to-door sales techniques.  The agents were also trained good personal habits and hygienic procedures, practices that preceded the state's cosmetology laws.  Madame Walker was the first to use this cultivating process in a large-scale fashion.  Her agents were soon easily recognizable in their neatly arranged hair, black skirts, and white shirts.

The Walker Theater, in Indianapolis, IN
Madame Walker was destined to become a millionaire, not that she just wanted the money for herself, but for the good she could do for other with being in that position.  She donated $10,000 every year for the education of young black men and women in Southern colleges, sending six youths to Tuskegee Institute - every year!

Other donations she made were to the National Association of Colored People (NAACP), the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), also imposing the effort to buy and protect the home of Frederick Douglas.  In fact, The Guinness Book of Records cites her as the first female to become a millionaire by her own achievements.

While blessed to give as well as receive, her life was not without experiencing prejudice, no matter how wealthy she was.  Amid discrimination, she fought against it by any means available.  Once, when told to pay twice the amount that white customers paid for movie tickets, she sued the theater, and built her own, as part of her "Walker Building" complex, in Indianapolis, IN. When President Woodrow Wilson began discontinuing reforms that would give Blacks more freedom, Madame Walker visited the White House in 1917, to protest the lynching of Blacks.

The prescription for success for Madame C. J. Walker was perseverance, hard work, faith in  in Our Heavenly Father, as well as herself, "honest business dealings" and of course, top quality products.  One of her prolific quotes states: 
"There is no royal flower-strewn path to success, and if there is, I have not found it - for if I have accomplished anything in life, it is because I have been willing to work hard."
Madame Walker's $250,00 mansion in Irvington-on-Hudson, NY,
three stories high, including 30 or more rooms

Now this is the type of individual we should have the opportunity to view on the big screen, having their story projected.  Someone who can truly comprehend, in order to discern how sincere dreams can emerge into fruition of one's own victorious life chronicle.  Come forward, independent writers of cinema, and provide an exhilarating treat for us, so much that children and young people alike can realize their full potential, that every vision will be accomplished, with the help of Our Sovereign Father!