The Father has FORGOTTEN me!"
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast,
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?
Though she may forget, I WILL NOT FORGET YOU!
See, I have engraved you on the palms of MY hands;
Your walls are EVER BEFORE ME!”
(Isaiah 49:14-16)
Upon reading an article last week about the passing of internationally-acclaimed fashion designer L’ Wren Scott, I couldn’t help but remember all the individuals I knew personally, who checked out prematurely on life.
It has always disturbed and distressed me to end how we, the strong people we profess to be, can be familiar with someone, who experienced such detrimental feelings. Yet, we are too busy to take enough time to recognize how their individualized moments of withdrawal, affect them in ways they are incapable of continuing to even surmise.
We tell ourselves, “I don’t have time to worry about what someone else is going through, so they need to make it the best way they can.” However, is that the way our Heavenly Father has shown us to be? I mean, for crying out loud, what happened to being empathetic, to the point of showing compassion? Even if we just uplift that person in prayer, someone who shows signs of giving up, while we ask the Father to keep them from feeling as though no one cares, that is something meaningful, knowing He always responds with His Love and instructions to help, not harm.
“The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.” ~Mother Teresa
Many people have gained possessions, either through hard and diligent work, or by inheriting from wealth family predecessors, which makes it quite easy to become engrossed in their own existence. There are those who practically pay to have someone be with him or her, moves into their home, and keep them set up with every desire imaginable, just so they will not be lonely.
Maybe that person has always felt, from childhood and beyond, that not even their parents cared about them, telling them, “your father/mother never wanted you, and if it hadn’t been for me, you’d be dead! I have never even liked you myself! To be perfectly honest, I never even asked for you to be born!”
“It is strange to be known so universally, yet to be so lonely.” ~Albert Einstein
Awful words to enter a child’s memory bank, isn’t it! Like seeds of a tree, they are injected, and as the child becomes an adult, the seed grows into that tree, decked with branches of low self-esteem, feeling mortified, undeserving. And no matter how much that person accomplishes in their life, deep down there is a void.
Still and all, who gives a negative person that much authority to make YOU feel unworthy of receiving true love, or for that matter, invaluable esteem? NO ONE has that much power, and I do not care who tries to enter your thoughts, constantly reminding you of what they desire you to be. Just like the familiar line from the movie, The Help, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important!”
The Father sent His Son to as a ransom for us all, in order to return to the fellowship He craves. There were times that Jesus/Yeshua dealt with bouts of loneliness (But Jesus OFTEN withdrew to lonely places and prayed. ~Luke 5:16) In other words, He knew how to talk to the Father during those quiet times, also in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He was reminded of the purpose for His coming to earth. Of course, His human side asked the Father why He had forsaken Him, but knew deep inside He was not left alone, and everything was happening, just as He was foretold, to the praise of the Father’s Glory. Confident of that fact, so that everyone who accepted Him would witness, according to Philippians 3:10-11, “I want to know Christ and the POWER of His Resurrection, and the FELLOWSHIP of sharing in His sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
We continue to have a responsibility to let that Light shine through us, everywhere we go. It’s great to minister within the four walls, but we were also commissioned to “go therefore, and make disciples of many.” There are hurting people all around, whether on the job, driving their cars, shopping in malls. We are required to spread the Father’s loving care to the multitudes, letting each one see in us that we are covered, abiding in faith that everything the Father has spoken, He is able to do!
Romans 12:15-16 reminds us to “REJOICE with them who rejoice; MOURN with them who mourn! LIVE in HARMONY with one another! Do NOT be proud, but be WILLING to associate with people of LOW position! Do NOT be conceited!”
Please, let us not forget that how we treat those who silently move about, never sharing their troubled soul, but through the Holy Spirit shows us their inner self, determines our fate, as well as theirs. Our Heavenly Father has already instructed us, as His ministries.
“Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but Father disciplines us for our GOOD, that we may share in His Holiness. NO discipline seems pleasant at the time, but PAINFUL. Later on, however, it PRODUCES a Harvest of Righteousness and Peace for those who have been TRAINED by it. Therefore, STRENGTHEN your feeble arms and weak knees. "Make LEVEL PATHS for your feet," so that the LAME may NOT be disabled, but rather HEALED!” (Hebrews 12:10-13)
It is late in the evening, and too much is going on around us. It is imperative for us to show those who don’t know that there is a WAY, that the Father sent His Son to sacrifice His life ONCE FOR ALL. Since the Holy Spirit lives within us, keeping us throughout all we face, should our lives reflect how He does, for others to realize that they can make it? In doing so, we can show how it’s done, in order for each one to learn how they can be at peace in the midst of all their trials or dismay. Even when they experience a sense of loneliness, they are NEVER ALONE, for our Heavenly Father promises He won’t leave or forsake you! Trust and Believe!