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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Sunday, September 30, 2012


"And He commanded us to preach unto the people, and to TESTIFY, that it is HE which was ordained of God to be the Judge of the quick and the dead!"(Acts 10:42)


"The Question Is!"
"If It Had Not Been For The Lord On My Side!" 
"Sing 'Til the Power of the Lord Comes Down!"  
"Is My Living In Vain?" 
"Oh, Taste And See!" 
"I'm Just Holdin' On!"
"All of My Help!" 
"Lord, You Brought Me From A Mighty Long Way!'
"I'll Make It Alright!" 
"I Can Depend On God!"
"He Included Me!" 
"Jesus Will Never Say No!" 
"Remember Me!" 
"Hallelujah, Anyhow!" 
"Yes, I Know Jesus!" 
'What A Friend We Have In Jesus!" 
"Jesus Will Work It Out!" 
"Victory Is Mine!"

The list goes on and on!  We sing, or listen to others that do, either on stage, or in a church setting, even outside in a public park.  But do we really know what GOSPEL entails?  

The Covenant - telling of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the SON of the LIVING GOD!  Webster Dictionary defines the word, or expression, to be the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation; promoted as infallible Truth or, as a guiding principle or doctrine!

 "Steal Away...Peace Be Still"
I have always found it fascinating, listening to the workings of a great choir or group, singing with so much in-depth persuasion.  The years of experience God allowed me, as I was blessed to commiserate with some of the most prolific and powerful ministers of music.  Throughout my life, I have watched and learned from some amazing vocal groups, in New York, the South, as well as abroad.  Gospel singing, during the 1960s-90s, for me, were truly powerful times.  You could tell that the songs were ministered intimately, and because of what I heard or saw, I would be compelled to live up to the measure of the lifestyle.  And, when you had the opportunity to listen as the vocalists would melodically resonate their stories, it would bless you so much, showing you that, even if you were told by naysayers that you were the worst sinner in the world, the sheer illustration of the singer's spiritual walk in song would encourage you to realize there is hope for your life, too.  

 "I Feel The Spirit Movin'...He Promised"

In addition, I was taught by older members of the choirs or groups, what a true virtuous woman's countenance should mirror - speech, attire, facial expressions, showing compassion to all, not just close friends or family members, while walking in the Word of the Lord, sharing and encouraging.  Those of us who were younger wives, received plenty of training, watching the seasoned married women, who walked, then and now, in the way of God's interpretation of a Godly helpmate.  From making sure meals were prepared, or keeping a spare handkerchief for husbands, in case he forgot to insert one in his suit pocket, to having that listening ear for those times when he needs to vent after a hard day at work.  Most of those women had jobs, too, but, through the leading of the Lord, made time for their mates, and children, providing a comfortable home, an anointed place of refuge.  Always praying, believing, and walking in God's Word.  I thank the Lord for planting such wise, and capable witnesses of His Glory, allowing the His Light to shine, everywhere they went.

"On Christ The Solid Rock...The Keys To The Kingdom"

Any decent gospel song should have a story to tell.  When we hear that Name JESUS, either spoken or bellowed, what comes to mind is the proclaimed, prophesied Truth of the Old Testament, supernaturally coming down in the form of a child in the New, growing in stature and nobility, becoming the Living Epistle!  The only begotten Son, presented from Heaven, to do OUR bidding, feel our hurts, walk in the midst of degradation, lies, hatred, for our sakes, while still remaining steadfast in the Father's direction, knowing that God sent Him, showing that we don't have to perish, but have everlasting life.  Through His suffering, being tempted, ridiculed, laughed at, He proved that The Word of God is alive, and the worst thing we could do is to ignore and not take heed to His Love, through His teaching, compassion, warnings, even what appeared to be a moment of weakness.  

"Nothing But The Blood...Jesus Is The Answer"

Through Jesus Christ, His testimony, we can be healed, delivered, set free, or made whole, by the Power of God, placed in His Hand.  He sanctions us to know, too, that when we believe in Him, accepting Him as Lord of our life, He instills that God has a plan for us - TO LIVE!  He came all the way from Heaven down to show us how we can be free, and victorious in Almighty God.  Through the Blood that was shed on the cross, the way He could just speak the Word, and IT WAS SO!  Full of humility, being mindful of the calling, but never forgetting to give honor to whom it was due - Our Heavenly Father!

"You Don't Know Like I Know...Amazing Grace"

The Risen Savior continues to reveal to us just how a child of the King should be, wherever they go, or whoever they see!  Grace, Mercy, Love, and Faith in God, are the traits we should possess, for the up-building of the Kingdom.  Then, when we sing from the heart, or hear a gospel melody, we are able to truly testify of what it means to trust, no matter what the situation, the derogatory things others may say about us, or moments of struggle and loneliness.  In Romans 1:16, it plainly states:   
"For I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL of CHRIST: for it is the POWER of GOD unto SALVATION to EVERYONE THAT BELIEVETH; to the Jew first, and ALSO to the Greek!"
We are all witnesses of His wonderful works, keeping power, hedge of protection, our needs are supplied, regardless to where we are, jobless, uncertain, or whether our health isn't up to par.  The right song will lift our spirits, put a smile on our face, cause us to walk upright, and rely on the blessed assurance that things will work out, because of the promises God has already declared!   We will praise Him consistently, in spite of, and others will be inspired to press on because of how we live in front of them.  Telling of His goodness, sharing how we prayed, and received an answer.  It's mighty nice to be on the Lord's side!  He keeps us from all harm, and we are SAFE in HIS Arms!  Blessings to you all!  TESTIFY!

Monday, September 24, 2012

It Ain't Broken, So Why Fix It: How Important REAL Old-Fashioned Parenting Is

"Discipline your son, for in that, there is hope;
do not be a willing party to his death!"
(Proverbs 19:18)

This may seem a bit much to some, but it has come to my attention that there are several people, unaware of what it means to be a true parent today.  We are so busy about being in constant pursuit of the "American Dream," a sense of prominence, thoughts that don't appear to consider essential expectation.   I'm not sure what happened to the memories of their lives, once born into the world, grew up in a home with their own caregivers, who trained them up properly, experiencing those infamous events of teenage life.  And yet, upon having children of their own, apparently, everything they learned went into a state of oblivion.  The lessons of chastisement flew out the window, and now it's more important to shower a child, from birth to college years.  Overwhelming them, with every material object known to man, while proving to themselves they would never implement same the treatment they received growing up, to their their offspring.  The question I have for that fleeting concept is - since you yourself turned out so wonderfully, with  high moral values, intelligence, and understanding intact, why would you allow your child to miss out on what helped make YOU great?

Do you realize that babies are one of the most God-given miracles in the world?  The fact that a human creation can be formed into life, through the womb of a woman, just like God ordained, is absolutely joyous to behold.  Once the wonderful news has been given by the obstetrician, preparation takes place, months in advance, for the happy arrival, including maternity-attire purchases, Lamaze classes, unexpected baby showers, even searches for the best, most qualified schools for the new parents' future young genius. 

Many either move into a bigger house with an extra room for the infant, while others may already have a spare, arranging to completely alter an office in their home.  Making sure a list or registry is in place, in order to receive amazing gifts of the latest gadgets, such as monitors, strollers, car seats, and thermometer-capable pacifiers. Shopping for the finest furniture pieces (changing table, rocking chair, bassinet/crib), and of course diapers galore, bottles of every size, bibs, blankets, the most expensive, name-brand infant wear.  

Memories takes one back to a little girl with an infant doll, how she requests all the amenities that a real mother would want for her baby, in order to present her cradling  to everyone, as a doting doll parent.  However, since it's inanimate, the child can just take the doll and lay it down, make it sit up, or even place it in a swing, without full-time concerns, uninterested if her little one is healthy, sleeping or not crying!
At a moments notice, the triumphant expectation has arrived!  We want to shelter the baby in our arms, providing safety and unconditional love.  Watching  the newborn,  immediately beginning to learn, from the moment of birth, how quickly they can devour everything they see, feel, and hear!  The infant, from the moment of entering the outside world, seeing either brightness, as well as face of the doctor, midwife, or father, automatically goes into grasp-mode, picking up any and everything in sight or sound! 

Does anyone recall watching the 1970 children's movie classic "WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY," starring the talented actor Gene Wilder? The storyline provided an interesting tale of an ingenious mogul recluse, who initiated a type of scavenger hunt, in search of a golden ticket, one of 5, and the prize would be having the esteemed opportunity of touring his castle-like corporation.  The stickler was that only children could enter the contest, anywhere in the world.  The winner could, of course, have a parent to escort them.  Below is a clip of the movie:

I remember viewing the movie in a theater when I was 11, and thought the story told so many truths, as to why children became bratty, believing that they were worthy of demanding or coveting whatever they wanted, fully expecting to receive all., whether beneficial to their life or not.  Unfortunately, when a child was given all of their momentary craving desires, without having seeds of nobility, kindness, consideration, or forethought planted in them during their infant and toddler stages, there was no other direction but to spiral out of control.  What I appreciated was the moral of the story, which is, just as the Word of God stands by, "TRAIN UP a child in the way he SHOULD go, and when he becomes old, IT WILL NOT DEPART FROM HIM!"  That not only means that we should begin as early as the first year of  their life to get them to be introduced to having books read to them, or feeding them tofu when they start chewing, but they need to be corrected and admonished, too!

When a child begins to repeat words or phrases they've heard, the ears of the parents should automatically stay captivated, the same way as those late-night feeding moments, when the alarm clock of loud crying would go off.  The baby is showing just how quickly they can absorb, with no limit to the amount.

Of course, one cannot resist wanting to spoil a child, especially when they are small, cute and cuddly.  However, along with showing loving attention, chastisement, admonishment and support are as extremely imperative as feeding, clothing, or providing a warm place for them to sleep.   While their outward appearance and sense of style is being achieved, the inward person should be continually cultivated into a beautiful, courteous and distinctive individual; not a brass, selfish or obnoxious rascal.  It is not okay to allow a little one to call someone else, young or old, a nasty name, laugh in a person's face, or berate a less unfortunate or challenged person.  They should not feel comfortable making fun of another child, teasing them for not wearing Gucci-tagged outfits, or having a physical frame, that may appear to be a little more than what they see when they view themselves in the mirror.  Phrases like "Thank you," "Please," "Excuse me" or "Good morning" never get old, always show great character, and display good home-training!

Instilling certain management skills in our children that will help them flourish, such as eating with them, reading to them, writing\drawing with them, playing sports, watching/listening to music or TV with them, providing regular decent bedtime schedules, and having conversations with them about the day.  These provide feelings that promoting belonging.  Words your child should NEVER encounter you verbalizing from your mouth, as well as profanity, are the following:  Bad, stupid, ugly!  Bad, when referring to a child's overactive behavior; stupid, referring to the way a person may handle a situation; or ugly, when you assume someone is not as attractive as you think they should be.  Since "life and death are in the POWER of the tongue," a child should be taught early in their life to watch what they hear AND say.  The parent, being more careful to wear a muzzle on their spewing mouthpiece, instead of letting it "letting it all hang out," will reveal to the child that we can control what we speak.

"FOOLISHNESS is BOUND in the HEART of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him!"
(Proverbs 22:16)

There was a time when parents like me would bear a thin branch, better known as a "switch," and it was used as a correction tool for 1 to 3-year-olds.  Just a few touches of the switch would only sting a child's leg; not draw blood, or leave distinguishing marks, but a lasting reminder that their parent meant business, and was not just dawdling.  Also, as a result, children who were corrected did not grow into a mouthy, disrespectful vulgarian,  a product no one would be proud to claim.

"The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame!" 
(Proverbs 29:15)

Another thing that seems to be left out of the equation of a little child's tutelage regimen is prayer.  Whenever a toddler learns  the 'now I lay me down to sleep" or "God bless..." recitation, they begin to grow with the belief that there IS a Higher, Faithful Source, who is the Creator of all things, great and small.  Perplexities that may materialize later in life will not have to be dealt with alone, as long as we realize Our Heavenly Father is known as the Only True and Living God, seeing and knowing all!  

Entitlement is not as important as teaching them the ability to build a sense of achievement, by teaching them the significance and the value of possessing hard work ethics.  Show them how to sweep the kitchen floor, or wipe up after a spill.  Encourage them to assist with folding or hanging their clothes, and putting them away.  Making sure they return their playthings to the toy box once they have finished using them, is so rewarding.  There are so many ways a child can be taught constructively, instances that will grow, as they do!

We are what we eat, and whatever we intake, becomes an extension!  At first glance, any of us will be gazed upon as a mere mortal, born into the world.  However, once our parents or the perception of them, are viewed, or even heard, it becomes quite evident how we were trained, what we were taught we could or could not do, and the learned behavior that follows.  A foundation is laid, traits are passed down, and unique qualities stem from how we are raised.  

To me, PARENTHOOD should be like a precept; not just something to do because you can procreate, but a "ministry" - a spiritual calling of God!  The planting of healthy seeds into the fertile ground of a child, should always include keeping the roots, as well as the soil, watered with encouragement, unselfish consideration, love and forewarning, because our testament will speak for itself.  Amplifying critical instruction, special care and charity continually, trusting God always, while watching what transpires!  In turn, they will incorporate all the astounding marvels and purpose, transferring those amazing attributes they have grown to muster, everywhere they go.  You will then stand, humbly elated and joyful, the essence of a truly blessed, proud parent to a silhouette of a victorious attainment!

Blessings and peace to you!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Know The Plan!

"For I KNOW the PLANS I have for YOU," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope AND A FUTURE!"
(Jeremiah 29:11)

At times it doesn't always appear that we have a clue as to why we are even in existence, when taking in encompassing glances, yet seeing nothing but futile blueprints of where we are.  
I was a quiet introvert as a child, only speaking words when asked, either by teachers or my parents.  For as long as I can remember, there were various instances where I wanted to become a great wonder in the world.  Addressed as "MISS," being characterized as a little lady, my parents' friends would always want me to sing something in front of them, as if they were actually a captive audience.  Being given the opportunity to sing with the youth choir, at the age of 3, when the other members were much older (9-16), was the beginning of my dreams coming true, because it made me feel as though God Himself would literally have a smile on His face, as He hearkened to the words and melody.  

The book of Matthew, in the 21st chapter, states in the 16th verse:
"Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked Him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, 'From the lips of children and infants you have ORDAINED PRAISE?'"
So, to me, every song, whether testament, hymn, or praise, filled the house with God's presence and power!  I was so honored for the opportunity.

My father introduced me to artistic classes, because I had severe health problems, and he wanted to make sure I was happy in spite of being ill.  I always appreciated having the opportunity to take advantage of dancing lessons.  I loved sporting my tap shoes, just so I could prance around and listen to the stroking sounds of the clicking silver bottoms.  My ultimate passion in dance was through expression of ballet and lyrical movement.  In turn, the very aspect allowed me the freedom that creatively provided that special feeling of wanting to SOAR!  Not so much just for the tutus, glitter, or stage lights, during recitals, but the mere statement of convictions,  learning how to grow into a person of emotional speech, without even moving my lips.  

I loved having the ability to regularly visit the Apollo Theater to watch and listen to some of the greatest music artists of the 1960s, as well as going to the movies, museums, libraries, and enjoying stage-play performances.  There were many ways available, to escape.  However, after 1968, a year of dismay for me, due to the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., two days before my birthday, and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, two months later, not to mention the sudden visit to the south, I felt that there was no vision of great things to come.  Outside of listening to all my old phonographic records, reading books, or reminiscing of NYC days, the only thing we were allowed to do was attend church, which was fine, because we were all practically born in one.

And WE KNOW that ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD to them that LOVE GOD, to them who are the CALLED, according to HIS Purpose! (Romans 8:28)
It was interesting, to say the least, initially having to go to a segregated school for a few months - something I NEVER experienced before.  We were called everything but a child of God, because of how our parents raised us.  Vernaculars like "Yankee," "White Girl," "New YERK (not York)," or "Miss It," were quoted repeatedly, because of the way we spoke.  I would become so disillusioned, wanting to hurray and go back home, to things as I had become accustomed, so I could feel more at ease with life again.  There were countless moments, when we would hear, "If it hadn't been for ME, you probably wouldn't be alive!"  No one seemed to even care to be interested in who we were, where we came from, or what we had experienced.  I would pray to the Lord that He would show me the way, to make it through the trials of uncertainties, because I had begun to question who I was becoming, or what my future held.

Back and forth, to and from NY, I appreciated the avid love for school days, and was suddenly offered a position as teacher's aide, when I was 13!  What an auspicious opportunity for me at that time, because the road appeared very dusty.  Working with 6th-grade students, who were labeled as "special," it always warmed my heart to listen to them read, or watch them work math problems, when it was said they were unlearned.  No one can tell me otherwise that all children are incapable of obtaining knowledge!  

Moreover, my "A-ha moments" continued to come, when three of my ninth-grade teachers, specializing in English, Civics and Art, read some of my written work, telling me afterward how impressed and astonished they were, especially since I was only 14-years-old.  It didn't dawn on me at the time, but those scholastic leaders were used to inspire me to do more with what I had been given.  Go figure!  A quiet-natured introvert, actually given mere words, to say, out of my mouth!

Years later, when I became a mother to my own children, I was determined to want them to learn all they could, for many reasons, as if their lives depended on it. In spite of being repeatedly told by others that a divorced mother is incapable of raising a child successfully, alone, but I had to trust what God told me.  It was clear how I could actually foresee what each of them would want to become, even in the midst of their childbearing stages.  I look at the 3 of them now, and God truly showed me what He promised! A college graduate/manager/artist, a college graduate/programmer/mentor/teacher/musician, and a college-student/teacher/dancer! God always has His perfect plan in mind for us! We are ordained, approved, and qualified, for such a time as this, so His glory, and purpose, can go forth, with POWER!  

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing 
without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.
The lion has roared- who will not fear? 
The Sovereign LORD has spoken- who can but prophesy?
(Amos 3:7-8)

It's amazing how God has supplied His Spirit in us, planting His unction, to speak words to others, those who feel as though they have no direction or purpose.  Since experience is sometimes the best teacher, God kn0ws what He is doing, when He created us in His image and likeness, so that we can prove what He is proficient at doing, no matter OUR history, or what negativity people may try to speak over us!

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's Mercy, to offer your bodies as LIVING sacrifices, holy and pleasing to GOD--this is your Spiritual act of Worship!  Do NOT conform any longer to the PATTERN of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your MIND!  THEN you (WE) will be able to TEST AND APPROVE what GOD'S WILL is--HIS GOOD, PLEASING AND PERFECT WILL!" (Romans 12:1-2)
The plan of God for us is so rewarding, and in spite of our sometimes disappointing moments, times of shedding tears, or becoming frazzled by circumstances that take place beyond our control, we have to hold fast to our profession of faith.  Whatever our journey has been, when we allow, the  Arm the Lord will continue to lead us through His glorious path of blessings, victory, and the ability to administer all of God's persona, to everyone!  Peace! :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why ME?

Do you know what I find interesting?  The fact that many of us have no idea who we are, or where we are going.  Remember the theme song from the 1977 movie, "MAHOGANY?"  The lyrics quote:

Do you know where you're going to, 
Do you know like the things that life is showing you,
Where are you going to, do you know;
Do you get what you're hoping for, 
When you look behind you there's no open door,
What are you hoping for, DO YOU KNOW?
Having a stern foundation, and knowing our purpose, is imperative to the very fiber of our being.  I've heard the old saying, that if "you don't know where you've been, you'll never know where you're going."  What an in-depth statement!

Last week, I was in the mood to watch the bio-movie, "ROOTS: THE NEXT GENERATIONS," sequel to the original story, written by the late, famous author Alex Haley,  Even though I've viewed it many times, since its 1979 televised conception, I learn something new each time.  An individual commented on why, after born, the babies would be lifted to the moon.
I myself have always believed that Alex Haley learned that from the first of his family's generations, that it wasn't so much abut showing them the huge brightness in space, as it was the God who created all of it!  "Behold, the ONLY thing GREATER than yourself" is Almighty, All-knowing, All-seeing, All-hearing, the Creator of ALL things, is our Heavenly Father GOD!  HE is the Great I AM, who is the only One who is able to do all things, but fail!  The One who is gracious, merciful, loves us all as His very own, and just wants us to live in Him, in every area of our lives.

We must realize that everything we've experienced has been arranged to further make us become that "vessel unto honor, and meat for the Master's use."  I the book of Jeremiah, it tells us, from the 3rd chapter:

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born I SET YOU APART; I APPOINTED YOU...!"

God knows why we were created, He has always known the plans HE has had, and continues to have for us.  Filling us with everything He has, whether love, power, sound mind, or His Spiritual fruit and wisdom, so we can be epistles of His Glory, everywhere we go!  Amen?  Peace and blessings to you! :) 


It Could've Been ME...!

"For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.  REJOICE NOT when thine enemy falls, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbles: Lest the LORD see it, and it displeases Him, and He turns away his wrath from him."
(Proverbs 24:16-18)

 Hi, everyone!

Although the weather has been rather interesting this past summer, and the temperatures scorching, I cannot help but appreciate how good God continues to keep us in His care, regardless to the situation.  In celebration of BLACK MUSIC HERITAGE MONTH, I am constantly reminded of a very familiar gospel song that I had the pleasure of ministering before, entitled "THANK YOU," composed and performed by Bishop Walter Hawkins, who transitioned 2 years ago.  You know, after everything we have experienced in our lives, the love, mercy and victory in God, through Christ Jesus remains, keeping us, no matter what we have done.  

Some of the lyrics are as follows:

It could have been me, outdoors, with no food or no clothes,
Or just alone, without a friend, or just another number with a tragic end.
But You didn't see fit to let none of these things be, 
But every day by Your Power, You keep on keeping me,
And I want to say, Thank You, Lord, for ALL You've done for ME!

It has been told to us, that, 'if we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.'  And since GOD can and will do that, He being the God of all grace and comfort, WHO are WE to continue holding things over someone's head, years after they have been pardoned BY GOD?  And why would we rejoice when we hear or see someone struggling, even if they have done something horribly to us personally?  We need to learn how to pray for EVERYONE, whether we have been hurt or mistreated.  

Matthew 5:44-45 tells us, that we should:  
"Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust."
It would be wonderful, if we could decide to treat others as we would love to be treated, while striving to spread joy around, instead of malice, discord, hatred, ugliness, jealousy, or even envy.  The fruit of the Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, and Temperance!  Nowhere in the Word of God does it say that gossiping, mocking, begrudging, spitefulness, bitterness, cruelty, or flaunting how much better we are than someone else, are noted as traits of God that we should be producing. It would be in our best interest to "rejoice with them that rejoice, and mourn with them that mourn."  In doing so, we can believe AND see that greater things will happen for us.

Blessings and peace!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Do Unto Others???

"BE WISE in the way you ACT toward outsiders; 
make the most of EVERY opportunity! 
Let your conversation be ALWAYS FULL of Grace, seasoned with salt, 
so that you may know HOW to answer EVERYONE!" 
(Colossians 4:5-6)

You know, it's amazing how things have changed today, regarding the service people provide today, compared to better times of the past.  I cannot understand why it has become okay to be rude, instead of kind; cruel, instead of empathetic; or selfish, instead of compassionate.  Even customer service has diminished from common courtesy to a haughty, condescending characteristic.

Once upon a time, not too long ago, it was a wonderful trait to behold, treating everyone as you would want to be treated.  But, lately, it's become strange to think that because you are nice to others, the feeling or plain old commiseration would be exchanged.  What is really going on?

Now, it is evident economy has become challenging, to say the least.  Jobs appear to be somewhat scarce, with unemployment on a continual rise, and many individuals are unhappy because they feel they are being forced to settle for less than their normal comforts.  Altering their lives, changing eating habits to newfangled diets, including what my son considers "leaves, seeds and weeds," along with other raw foods, that seem to have become the new way of providing nutrition in our nourishing habits.  Nevertheless, in the midst of  trials or unknown direction, we also need to wear a smile on our face, knowing that everything will work out, in due time.  

It actually takes more muscles and energy to sulk, be repulsive, or exhibit reproachable temperament, than to display graciousness, even under fire.
"A HAPPY HEART makes the Face CHEERFUL, but heartache crushes the spirit!" (Proverb 15:13)

Times have been altered, but would it actually kill a person to be kinder, rather than hardhearted?  We are faced with many moments of uncertainties in life, but the last thing we should allow ourselves to do is lash out at people we may see or speak to.  Even the nicest, most gentle person experience cruel behavior from some otherwise confused, miserable personalities.  However, it's imperative that we make an effort to treat others in the same way we each want to be viewed.  Some of us still have spouses or significant others who have committed themselves for life.  We continue to have a job that pays well enough, whether it's what we like doing or not, and provide material things that have accumulated right before our eyes.  You would think being in that state should make us happy.  Yet we don't even try to extend even a small dose of joy to someone else, who may or may not even be in need of kindness.  

I have always heard that SALVATION is FREE.  Well, when you think about it, so is giving a SMILE to someone.  It costs absolutely nothing, and  brightens an otherwise gloomy day for another.  Try it, you might like it!

Thursday, September 6, 2012




"I praise You, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well!" 
(Isaiah 139:16)
 One of my most favorite quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. states:

"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

You know, I have never understood how a person, having light complexion, though recognized as an individual of color, would be looked upon as someone of more perfection.  Throughout my life, many human beings, have placed those who were fair-skinned on a pedestal, even saying they were extraordinarily beautiful, while a more brown toned. for some deep-rooted reason, would be frowned upon.  I am always reminded of "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep," a familiar quote, as well as a title of an old tune, recorded and released in 1966, by rhythm-and-blues group The Temptations:

"So in love, sad as could be, 'cause a pretty face got the best of me,
Suddenly, you came into my life, and gave it meaning and pure delight;
Now good looks I've learned to do without, For now I know what love's all about!
Beauty's only skin deep, yeah, yeah, yeah; Beauty's only skin deep, oh yeah!"

The first verse of the lyrics speak to how the innermost being of a person provided more insight, than mere physical attractiveness. Even though the guy became amazed by the outward physicality of a female he chose to bring into his space, he was a miserable soul, until he was introduced to the interior aesthetic of a woman with distinction and an altruistic heart.  The poetic stance reminds us of how imperative it is to recognize inward qualities that authenticate what's real from imitation.  It seems these days that the road appears to move in the direction of the "cookie-cutter," or "what everyone else is doing" mode, and many seem to fall in line with what they see with their eyes, instead of viewing beauty in its truest form - from the inside out.  

Meanwhile, there are those who question their identity, thinking that because they are of a certain hue or shape, they feel inferior.  In their minds they are unworthy, because there is a mass group who think it's okay to  berate someone's surface.  I want to make note of some of the most prolific individuals of whom I have always had the highest regard, who helped me realize that my complexion or body width is secondary to what God has placed inside of my existence.  When I hear young girls speak of doubting the fact that they are just as amazing as anyone else, it baffles my mind to no end.  Truthfully speaking, regardless to what people say to, or around them, mockers should not have that much voice, persuading a child not to have a clue of who they really are, or where they're headed in life.   You can catch more bees with honey than with vinegar!  There are entirely too many hurting souls in the world, for us to continue ruining a youth's dreams before they have to chance to sleep. 

Nina Simone
I have always loved listening to artists who sustain depth and meaning.  Virtuosos with heart and soul.  Renowned artist Nina Simone always had a sense of consistency and forethought.  In my opinion, the lady was such an extremely talented performer, as well as a compassionate activist for civil rights, so much that her songs spoke volumes, and continue to do so today.  Some of the meaningful traits that  stood out in her were the elements that her persona depicted - truth, heart and refinement; something I desired to exhibit in my own life.  Because she carried herself in such a way, she received honorable respect, not because of her skin tone.  

Naomi Sims
When I was a youth, after growing up in NY, I had to spend some time in the south, and I was awakened to the conception most people had that lighter-shaded blacks were deemed supreme; however, brown, or even darker toned like myself, were considered unattractive.  Even infants were categorized as being born more beautiful than chocolate babies.  It was so frustrating to me, so much that at times I felt as though I wasn't up to par  because my complexion was a deep shade of brown, not pale tan, cream or peach.  However, in 1969 I was first given a reason to become impressed with myself, when a LIFE magazine cover represented class with distinction, using a perfect example of earthy tone.  Naomi Sims was the first African-American supermodel, and worthy of the title. 

Amazingly, she made tremendous strides, after being teased due to her height of 5'10" at age 13, overcoming ridicule during the civil rights movement, literally kicking in doors of segregation.  She was first featured on the cover of 1968 LADIES HOME JOURNAL magazine, as well as being chosen to provide a ground-breaking interview article, further expressing the theme of the decade, "Black Is Beautiful."  Ms. Sims was offered the starring role in the 1973 motion picture, "CLEOPATRA JONES."  However, due to many racial simplism of black portrayal, she chose not to participate.  Eventually, she followed her dreams, creating her own line of wigs, cosmetics and fragrances, comprised with women of color in mind, making me feel more worthwhile, helping me realize how beautiful I really am.  No one can tell me anything differently, and I have a great respect for Ms. Sims' accomplishments, her intelligence, as well as her total beauty.

Cicely Tyson
Born in NYC, Cicely Tyson, an Emmy-winning, Oscar-nominated actress, became a highly-demanded model, but after some time, decided against it due to her not appreciating the feeling  she was functioning "like a machine."  She decided that a career in acting would probably me more to her liking, and enrolled in acting school, after-which she appeared in off-Broadway stage derivatives.  What I appreciate about Ms. Tyson is how determined she was not to appear in any blaxploitation projects, stating, "I would rather be unemployed than act in blaxplotation films."  She stood her ground, no matter what.  She is one of the most thriving, astonishing, and underrated actors ever, but I always love listening to how powerful her voice is.  Ms. Tyson could have a small role with a cameo appearance, and still speak with such potent delivery.  Below is an excerpt of one of the memorable scenes with Ms. Tyson giving a riveting performance, from the popular, all-star cast  TV-movie, "WOMEN OF BREWSTER PLACE:"

See what I mean?  Powerful, dynamic, and thought-provoking!  That's Ms. Cicely Tyson!

As you can see, I am an avid lover of all things ART.  It administers an avenue for expressing yourself, giving a message that would allow others to feel free to laugh, cry, love, understand, and ponder.  When I heard the song "VIDEO" on the radio for the first time, while commuting to work, I thought to myself, "that is so in-depth, and meaningful!"  Little did I know that the young woman singing it was new to the music world, but so seasoned.  India.Arie is a magnificent devotee to her individual craft, so much that I thought she would win a Grammy award for her initial work of art.  To her, it's not about falling in line with the "cookie cutter" image, but staying true to self, and that encourages me to know who I am, know what I'm here for, follow the direction set for me, a realize that it's never too late, as long as God gives me breath.

"I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of  Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.  Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me..." 
(Song of Solomon 1:5-6a) 

As you the verse above, you would think that being black or dark is insignificant, even inferior.  However, upon further reading of the book of Solomon, you find that even when the young lady felt she was beneath others, Solomon saw royalty in her, and was compelled to declare his undying love to her.  HER - the way she was!  Even if she thought she was too dark to gaze upon, the king, so full of wisdom, recognized the true beauty of the Shulamite woman, and was in awe of her.

We should always remind ourselves that we are incredible creations of God, realizing that He made only one of each of us, individually, for HIS purpose.  Regardless to the surroundings, whether derogatory things have been said by certain particulars, or antagonistic people, an unsure young girl or boy, or pre-teen, should not have to feel worthless because of their physical demeanor.  Whether that child is taller, darker, or even thicker, before she has a chance to start doubting who she is, we need to assure her, like the line from a recent movie, that she is "kind, smart, important!"  No child should feel like they have no clue why they are even living.  And we as adults, or parents, must become teachers at home, as well as being concerned about  school grades.   

Exhort often to each daughter, niece, cousin, friend, by telling them, as well as showing:

"YOU are Loved, YOU are Special, YOU are Beautiful! YOU are here for a Purpose!  Now, BE the BEST YOU that you are, and will be!  To thine own self, BE TRUE!"

Those of us who have become witnesses to how imperative it is to uplift young ones early on, should always let it be known how much they do matter, and there is a blueprint that God has already designed for each life.  After all, we are created in the His image and likeness.  We should always be aware that the glow of brightness we carry will provide a sense of belonging, entitlement, and the outlook of being free "TO BE."  That will generate an amazing spirit of greatness that will cultivate an impression of true beauty in others.  Be blessed, as you bless!