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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Date of Recognition: January 20th, 27 Years Ago!


The Celebration of A Day, 
Through Reflection of the Past, Present and Future!

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.  The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others." ~Dr. King 

To give honor, be reminded of, celebrate.

It's amazing just how far we've come in our lives, how much we've seen, and where we are now! 

We find how imperative it is that we hold fast to remembering history in its truest form, in order to appreciate what is now visible, in plain sight.  

Dreams destined to become reality, based on a life speaking truth, sent by God to further show us how we should continue to keep in mind things we can make it through, regardless to what some may have said.
"To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.  For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?" ~Cicero
Rep. John Conyers, with Dr. King
The day of conceptual envision was begun on April 8, 1968, four days after the assassination of Dr. King, introduced by Congressman John Conyers, Democrat from Michigan, for a commemoration of the federal holiday.  There was a delayed response to the bill request, upon which petitions were gathered, six million endorsed, and submitted to Congress.  In 1973, Illinois became the first state to recognize MLK Day as a statewide holiday.

Signing of bill, with Coretta Scott, and Pres. Reagan
Rep. Conyers and Rep. Shirley Chisholm, Democrat of New York, resubmitted the holiday legislation, continuing to make known throughout many sessions.  Many marches took place to Washington, DC, during 1982-83, before the bill was passed by Congress in 1983, and signed by President Ronald Reagan.  January 20, 1986 became the official federal day for said holiday.

Even though afterward, there was a rescinding of the already passed bill, 44 states adopted the holiday in 1989.  By 1993, various states wanted the day to be called something in the way of a civil rights day instead, for recognition of a paid federal holiday.  By 1999, New Hampshire chose to replace their Civil Rights Day with MLK Day.  Utah decided to replace their Human Rights Day in 2000, while South Carolina was noted to be the last state to consider the federal holiday as a paid one.

We can appreciate the day, but more than that, remember who we are c0mmemorating.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. endured many trials and tribulations, believing that, according the Word of God and human decency, was called to make sure every person, especially in the country, would all have the same rights across the board.   

MLK Monument, in Washington, DC
Not regarding skin-tone as the ultimate, but consistently showing us the true love of God, His grace, and as the Declaration of Independence states, that ALL MEN (WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS) are created EQUAL!  No one is any better or worse than anyone else.  God's Love supersedes the treatment any person deems proper, and Dr. King was well aware of that fact.   

We are all just like that familiar line in the movie, THE HELP,
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important!" 
Dr. King showed us that our dreams do matter, making a difference for generations.  We just have to be mindful of the fact that our ways should line up with God's purpose, and not our own.  Dr. King continued to remember, just like Moses, that he was given a directional path to lead, and we should desire to follow, for the good.

Happy Celebration and Remembering, everyone!

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