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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Birthday To ME! 45 YEARS LATER: What HAVE We Learned, AND What's Next???

"Father, I Thank YOU, for THIS day, bringing me this far in life, and continuing to reveal how YOUR Word is STILL ALIVE!  I am so GRATEFUL FOR YOUR LOVE TOWARD ME!"

This week is a poignant reminder in history!

1968, exactly 45 years ago - 
When moments of childhood were changed dramatically, taking on an abrupt and sad turn, yet a fulfillment of prophecy.  

I remember, so emphatically, what it felt like that year, with my emotions constantly working into overdrive.  Trying to figure out why so much was taking place around me, was a question of ultimate proportions, such that it would not make sense to me, but then revelation speaks clearly.
 We were just informed in December 1967 that Otis Redding was killed in a small plane crash, during his live performance tour dates, along with some members of band The Bar-Kays (Soul Finger).  An amazingly, incredible music artist, famous for composing songs like "I've Been Loving You Too Long," "Try A Little Tenderness" and "R-E-S-P-E-C-T," as well as those relating to his life, such as "Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa  (Sad Song)," he proved his writing ability was absolutely stellar.  

 The following month, his all-time, familiar tune, "(Sitting On) The Dock Of The Bay," was released, and played on radio stations all over New York City, and we cried because it was so bittersweet listening to his compelling voice, so soon after his transition. 

The year had already begun to reflect a weird sense of loss and deep concern.  For some reason, the air of knowledge that my upcoming birthday did not feel too special to me.  The clouds flourished all around the city, and I did not have a sentiment of happiness.

Lo, and behold, there was Thursday, April 4th, 1968!  

After my father walked in from work, the Special Report flashed on all the major TV networks.  His favorite news anchor, CBS News correspondent Walter Cronkite, announced the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It was, and still is, quite a mournful loss.  People all over felt the effects.  Dad commanded us to stay inside the house the rest of the weekend, because of everything that was taking place in the streets.  Pandemonium, looting, and sheer anger struck the hearts of many.

Two days later, what was supposed to be a celebration of 10 years since my birth, turned out to be extremely despondent for me.  We had a nanny at the time, and she thought it would be nice to throw an intimate party for me.  However, I was not in a partying mood, because of what was going on around the country.  We had lost a great, prolific leader, someone who tried to walk in the ways of Our Lord, strongly commending all of us to do the same.  Not with violence, but compassion, while projecting a united sense of equality for everyone.  I just couldn't stop crying!

Tuesday, April 9th, and the funeral of Dr. King was televised as a special report.  Our family quietly sat in the living room, taking in every moment, listening to every word, Sis. Mahalia Jackson, belting "Precious Lord, Take My Hand," even hearing a portion of his taped voice from his last sermon.  He spoke emphatically how important it was to him that people would one day speak of his wanting to make a difference in every person's life, not for monetary profit or fame, but stating in his role, having the Drum Major Instinct, "If I can help SOMEBODY, then my living shall NOT be in VAIN!"  That taught me to keep in mind that we still have work to do, not for ourselves, but in the Will, to the Glory of God, Our Sovereign Heavenly Father.  

School was re-opened the following day, and assembly was called to order by the principal of P.S. 133.  We entered the auditorium; as tradition would have it, girls were dressed in white blouses, with black or navy blue skirts.  Boys were decked in white shirts and dark pants.  After prayer invocation was given, we all stood and grabbed hands, rocking from side to side, as we sang "We Shall Overcome."  Every color, creed, race, in my school, hugging each other, feeling the same way, but also having a filled with determination to continue moving in what we were taught by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., no matter what was going on, or what we have to endure in our life.  Prophetically Dr. King knew what his purpose was, ready for the .  GOD'S Truth Should Still March On!!!

Well, it's now 2013!  What have we learned decades later?  What do we think of others, and how do we treat them, whether they are like us or not?  How have we trained, and what lessons are we teaching our children, how they should treat others?  Should they be spoiled, given every amenity to boast upon, making other kids feel inferior, or despised?  Mark 10:42-45 tells us:
Jesus called them together and said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them.  Not so with YOU! Instead, whoever wants to become GREAT among you MUST BE your SERVANT, and whoever wants to be FIRST must be slave of ALL.  For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, BUT TO SERVE, and to GIVE HIS LIFE as a Ransom for MANY!"
What are we doing today?  Are we revealing that same loving compassion to ALL people?  What are we PROJECTING, and what is our DREAM?  When our children see someone sleeping on the street, do they laugh or mock them, quoting things like "why don't they go somewhere and get a job?"  Or do they pray for that person, asking that God bless them, providing a place to live, and a decent job, so they won't have to make the alley grounds their home?  Are we still teaching by example, to believe that God's blessings will fall on everyone, not just the rich, or well to do?  What about lifting prayers that those who are enduring various difficult issues, in or outside of church congregations, will look to trusting Our Sovereign Heavenly Father for direction in all things?

It's in God's purposeful ways that we should walk victoriously, wanting to serve others, so that no one will be ignored, just as our beloved teacher, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. showed us.  Let's remember what he stood for, through the ways of the Lord, and continue allowing those edifying attributes he exhibited, to convey in our lives, as well as the lives of our children!  Saved TO SERVE!!!

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