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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Michael Jackson - Amazing Human Nature

Saturday, June 26, 2010 11:55 PM

June 25th, 2010 -
Friday marked the 1-year anniversary of Michael Jackson's transition. Televised programs throughout the day provided moments of celebration. It brought back so many memories, from my childhood, during the period of raising my children, and several other thoughts.
What were you doing on that day last year, or where were you? I was writing and studying some information, while listening to music from Micheal's CD "DANGEROUS," that includes "Will You Be There" and "Gone Too Soon." Before 12 noon, it was announced that actress Farrah Fawcett, died after her strong battle with cancer. My daughter was considering transferring to NC, and was visiting my younger son, while she was job and apartment-shopping.

At around 3pm EST., my daughter sent me a text message, saying Michael was in the hospital. For some reason, of all the Michaels that I know, I knew exactly who she was talking about, and thought to myself, "Apparently, Michael has overworked himself from strenuous rehearsals, knowing how much of a perfectionist he is." "I guess they will be postponing the concert, and move the date from July 8th to a later one. I hope he is okay."

At 4pm EST, I called to find out how the job-hunting was going with my daughter, and while one the phone, heard my son say "Oh', he's dead?" I literally screamed, yelling "No, he's not!" I felt as though the news media had to be reporting incorrect information! Every channel showed their particular newsroom, with flashing messages, scrolling subtitles, etc. But I did not want to believe it until all the major news networks stated, for sure, the right update!

Well, at 4:30pm EST, it was confirmed! I was a loss for words! NO, not Michael! It was as if I had lost a personal brother! Everything rushed to my head, all the memories of when I first saw him and his brothers at the Apollo Theater in 1967, to the Jackson 5 being presented on 'The Hollywood Palace' and "The Ed Sullivan Show." When I heard "I WANT YOU BACK" on the radio, it had such a flavor about it, my first instinct would be to jump up and listen to every note, every word, every musical riff! That was how music was supposed to affect someone. Hit after hit, in one year! Then, the solo album, "Got To Be There," solidifying not just how MJ was so talented beyond measure, but also unbelievably gifted!

Time goes by, watching him perform song "BEN" at the Academy Awards, growing more and more surmount-ably brilliant.   While all the other members were living their own lives, Michael stuck with what he knew best - entertaining and continuing to cultivate his craft. He showed me, personally, that when you are a visionary, in order to become your best, serious research, study, nurturing, and developmental periods should take place. He was very much a workaholic, when it came to performing, because he loved what he did, and how the fans would show love to him.

The older I become, I realize more how important it is to show love to everyone, even people you don't particularly like. True love covers so much, and in so doing, we can forgive, having compassion, not vengeful, or hateful feelings. When we are dealing with someone other than ourselves, speak loving things, positive things, encouraging things, not matter who it may be. Then we can say that we allowed that person to have a great day, or at least a great moment during that day. Also, if it is a child, when we speak the right words to them, they will not think in their mind that they are insignificant, unattractive, or inadequate, and will not grow up becoming a failure.

There are an abundance of lessons that can be learned from this incredible, iconic being, if we really open up and pay close attention. From the lyrics of the many songs, strict work ethic, and dreaming big, to how we should treat people, not saying the wrong thing to anyone or everyone. Come on, we have to get it together!

As for Mr. Michael Joseph Jackson, he will always be missed, but never forgotten!

True Love, always!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Real Gospel Legend Has Gone Away...

Saturday, July 24, 2010 11:53 PM

Bishop Walter L. Hawkins
(May 18, 1949 — July 11, 2010)

As I was viewing some of my online pages yesterday, there was a message that stated that a person with a huge household name had transitioned. This singer-songwriter-pastor-choir director has supplied so many beautiful, prolific songs for decades. Most of the songs are performed or ministered all over the world by different races, cultures, classes.

Bishop Walter Hawkins was first heard with his older brother Edwin, after the Grammy-nominated song, "OH HAPPY DAY" was recorded, and toured with the Edwin Hawkins Singers. In 1972, he was given the opportunity of recording a solo album, "Do Your Best." But in 1975, the album that really provided true recognition for Walter was "Love Alive," which included his church choir, Love Center, from the church he established, and his then-wife, Tramaine Davis Hawkins. They performed live songs, such as "Follow Me," "Changed," "God Is Standing By," "Goin' Up Yonder" and "I'm Not The Same." It was the beginning of great things to come for the minister of music. In 1977, "Jesus Christ Is The Way" was recorded in studio, which Walter wrote the title song, along with all the others, including "I Need Your Spirit" and "He Brought Me."

God continued to bless him in 1978 with the making of "Love Alive II." Songs that were included on this great recording were, "Never Alone," "He's That Kind of Friend," "Be Grateful" and "I'm Goin' Away." What an amazingly, well-done God experience. As the years came, God showered Walter Hawkins with a plethora of musical masterpieces, that really would take you to higher heights, and deeper depths. "Special Gift," "Full And Complete," "Thank You" and so many more, up to songs from "Love Alive's 25th Anniversary" recording, became inspirational theme songs for any choir that wanted to minister real testimonials.

I have always loved Bishop Hawkins work, and have very fond memories, singing different titles from his repertoire with several choirs. I recall hearing "He's That Kind of Friend," being sung by one particular choir that I was able to minister with in 1979. The lead vocalist was so amazing, and I experienced a true spiritual awakening before the song was over! Even today, when I think or listen to the albums, cassettes or CD's, the mere astonishment floods my soul just as if they were just released yesterday.

He was such an amazing, anointed man of God, both in music and word, and I will never forget him. He is a pure, legendary figure, and his God-given catalog will live on and continue to bless everyone.

This amazing man left this world after a long 2-year battle with pancreatic cancer.

Bishop, you will be missed terribly, but we know that you are "goin' to a place" where there will be no more crying, no more dying, no more pain or suffering. Only joy, peace, happiness and love! 'Goin' Away,' to a place, prepared just for you; a special place, you'll live eternally!

Rest now, my brother!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Many men desire to be good fathers, but what really matters is whether or not they are godly fathers. Here are four Biblical principles that, by God’s grace, can be used to lay a sound foundation in helping fathers become godly fathers.

First, godly fathers are first godly men. It doesn’t work for fathers to bail out and say to their children, "Do as I say, not as I do" (Matthew 23:3). Children must be able to see an example of Christ in their fathers. Paul says to his spiritual children in 1 Corinthians 11:1, "Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ." Until men by faith follow in the example of Christ themselves, they cannot be godly examples for their own children.

Second, godly fathers love their children unconditionally. Unconditionally is a significant word. It implies that love is not merited or earned and that the father’s treatment of his children is not dictated by what they can offer him in return. The father of the prodigal son stood waiting and watching for his son to return to him (Luke 15:20).

When he finally did return, the father didn’t judge the son or force him to earn back his favor, love, and approval. He simply embraced him and threw a celebratory party for his son (Luke 15:21-24). He could do this because his love for his son wasn’t based upon what his son could do for him but simply and strictly upon the fact that he was his son.

Godly fathers don’t make their children earn their approval, and they don’t use their children’s behavior as a condition for their love.

Third, godly fathers train their children how to love and honor God. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it." Ephesians 6:4 echoes the Proverbs passage, saying, "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord."

Training in righteousness requires learning the Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-17), for the Bible is how a child must come to know Who God is and what God wants. In addition to instruction in wisdom and knowledge according to the Bible, there will also be a time for discipline. Sometimes children will test their boundaries or act out, and they need to be corrected and disciplined.

Discipline is not a wrathful outburst or reaction; rather, it is a purposeful, calculated means of imposing consequences grounded in love. Even our heavenly Father disciplines those sons whom He loves (Hebrews 12:6), and the fact that a father is willing to discipline his children proves that he loves them. Fathers who let their children get away with anything and everything fail to demonstrate the tough love that is sometimes needed.

Fourth, a godly father seeks to give his children good gifts. Godly fathers go beyond just giving spiritual gifts such as wisdom and Biblical instruction to seeking to give good gifts of all kinds. Our heavenly Father is the ultimate example of this. James 1:7 says, "Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."

Our Father is the giver of every good and perfect gift because He knows when, how, and what to give us. He knows what we desire and ask for because He knows and cares for what we really want and need (Psalm 37:4, Philippians 4:19). Fathers, too, ought to be sensitive to their children’s desires and needs.They need to avoid the extremes of spoiling their children by giving into their every whim and being too stingy and holding back from their children.

A child’s view of God will largely be shaped by their father’s treatment of them. So as fathers take interest in what brings their children joy, they will go a long way in helping to shape a healthy view of a God will do for them what is necessarily the kindest, wisest, and best.

The importance of being a godly father cannot be overstated. Yet, being human, all fathers will make mistakes along the way. However, even how these failures are handled is a chance to demonstrate Christ and to leave a godly legacy. Children don’t expect their earthly fathers to be perfect, but they need fathers who will do their best by faith to imitate their Father in heaven.

May God raise up more such men.

Scripture of The Day: "And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord." - Ephesians 6:4

Friday, June 4, 2010

It's Okay To Smile!

Hello, all!

It's been quite some time since I have entered any thoughts. However, this year, so far, has brought about so many things that, quite frankly, are taking me to a level of craving inquiry.

Why is it that people assume it is okay to say anything about or to others, without any remorse or forethought? Statements regarding how someone's outward appearance may be (complexion, body size, facial visibility, etc.), individuality (not being a follower of what is popular), and even the car a person may or may not drive, has gone too far. When a positive word is spoken to someone, it always generates a feeling of encouragement, confidence and the day always becomes better to handle. But, when ugly, negative or non-truth is transpired, nothing is received except feelings of depression, doubt, and at times, thoughts allowing one to consider ending their life.

What is so hard about smiling at people more, instead of constantly frowning, making one take on the same spirit? How long should it take for us to realize that it doesn't cost anything to speak kindness, empathy, compassion to everyone, no matter how things are in our lives at the time? What happened to the statement "before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes," before we try to spread our miserable feelings to everyone else?

We have been told that "perilous times would come," and when you look around your surroundings, what you hear on the news, you have to realize that those times are here right now. Children having to grow up faster, so that parents won't have to feel old, referring to their seed as 'friends.' Food is quickly becoming a non-existent necessity. Now it's all about what we should drink, and not eat, because all edible consumption is bad for us. If we come across someone who may be struggling with the fact that they still like to enjoy eating, people have become so heartless by practically telling them that they don't belong on the planet. We want to be respected, but don't care to show respect to others. Where is the love?

God has blessed us to grow up in a country that has come through amazing feats, in spite of moments of hatred, envy, strife, selfishness, malice and misunderstanding. He has kept us safe, when we allow Him to, and even when we have to struggle through hard times, we are okay because God knows what is best for us every time. While we are still here, can we begin to think outside our box? What happened to having the illuminated thoughts of what is true, lovely, pure, good, just and good report? Try it, and you WILL recognize how wonderful things can be, not just in your life, but everyone you come in contact with. Share the love through a smile, a kind word.

It's getting late in the evening, folks! SPREAD LOVE! Come on, it's already been bought and paid for!