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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

GUEST POST - "Grocery Trip: Under Budget!" by Heather Brown

Hi, all!

In times that we are all currently living in, any encouragement should suffice.  I love this information, provided by Heather Brown, and wanted to share, from the site:

We are starting a new fall tradition at our place this week! I saw a FB friend post about it and thought it was such a great idea that we should steal it. Luckily, the hubs was on board so here’s the new tradish: fall soup week! Yes, that’s right, every night for dinner this week we’re having homemade soup! So, over the next few days we’ll be having Cheeseburger soup from eMeals, Spicy Corn Chowder (recipe to come soon!), Taco Soup and Low Fat Beef Stew! I absolutely <3 soup, so I’m pretty pumped for this new tradition.

Since we are making things based more on this new tradition than grocery store sales this week, I decided I should do the majority of our shopping for these ingredients at Walmart to save a little money. However, I still wanted to get a few ingredients for the soups that were on sale at Publix plus a few staples that I could’t pass up the low prices on.

This first shot is my Walmart trip. I got the necessities for soup ingredients, Dannon’s new Light ‘n Fit Greek vanilla yogurt which I had a $1/1 (printable from their website) coupon for, and some bananas. I spent $20.11 on this shopping trip.

Then, I ran in Publix and picked up these few items. All these items except for the diced tomatoes were on sale. I always get excited when they have Potato Inspirations on sale BOGO and couldn’t resist scooping up these little honey gold potatoes. There was a $.50/1 Muir Glen soup coupon out stacked with a sale that made this can of soup only $.67 for organic soup! Then I had a $.75/1 Dannon coupon I used so after all sales and coupons I saved $10.52 at Publix and spent $11.91.

So, after combining my Publix and Walmart totals I spent $32.02, well under my $50/week budget! How did you all do this week? Do you shop at 1 store each week or go to multiple stores to get the best deals?

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