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WORDS that are spoken, should provide 2 options - LIFE or DEATH!

There is so much power in words, when used appropriately. A depressed soul can be uplifted by a smooth tone of phrases, when all else fails. A crying child will become silent once an expression of adoration is spoken directly. Even when placed with a distinctive tune, hearts are moved to a compassionate mode. It has been said that music 'soothes the savage beast.' In addition, when you smile, or even laugh, the very innate qualities are rejuvenated, and extends to others, uplifting them to pursue life in its truest form.

I will be discussing many topics that appear to be imperative for today's way of thinking. With eloquent words, feelings of joy, love, peace, and contentment can be transferred. It is imperative to make sure we speak with what will cause one to walk away with an amazing outlook of assurance, knowing that things CAN, AND WILL work out!

Monday, October 15, 2012


"As water reflects the face,
so one's life reflects the heart."(Proverbs 27:19)
Who, or more to the point, WHAT do you see when you gaze at yourself through the looking glass?

This is a writing I initially posted on my blog, dated March 9, 2009, and apparently, 3 years later, it appears we are still faced with various uncertainties, unlike any period that most of us have ever witnessed in our lives.  So many of us are accustomed to handling everything ourselves, obtaining 2 or 3 jobs to hold on that good ole' American Dream. However, the job market is continually deteriorating.  Supermarket prices have skyrocketed.  And let's not even talk about gasoline or living necessities.  This year has almost come to an end, with things being envisioned as somewhat bleak, and one contemplates what should be done, in order to survive those feelings of doubt and defeat.

I have always felt an amazing fondness for music with a message, as it assists with keeping me inspired, during some of the most melancholy moments of my journey.  A popular song, written and recorded in 1987, states profound points of view, that continue to enlighten and surpass what our indecision may be today.  One of the most prolific artists ever, the incomparable Michael Jackson, felt a strong urge, or shall I say, an "unction," that catapulted the hit "MAN IN THE MIRROR" into one of his most powerful signature works. Spiritually collaborating with songwriters Siedah Garrett and Glenn Ballard, it probably was not idealized to such a degree as it should have been, but continues to speak volumes, even now.

Remember the phrase that had been verbalized through our President, containing authority behind it?  If we ponder it, we will realize that CHANGE is imminent, and YES, WE CAN!  Is it possible that we can revise for the better, in our way of thinking?  Change the way we speak, from negative, to positive? What about behaving with more compassion, instead of coldness of heart?  And can we begin to allow LOVE to cover a multitude of indiscretions, instead of judging others, as if we have already arrived
And He said: "I tell you the truth, unless you CHANGE and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Matthew 18:3)

You know, when two children are playing together, and there is a toy that just happens to be the favorite of both, one may become angry and want to be left alone, so he can have it to himself.  However, later on, they forget all about the toy, and return to having fun together.  In other words, can we stop harboring on things that took place yesterday, learn how to forgive, and treat everyone with a warm heart?  Can we learn that?  If little ones are trained to have an open, receptive heart, that same seed should grow and remain in us when we become older, where we can continue distributing caring to others.  There is no one who is perfect, no matter how attractive one is, or how much they have accumulated.  We have all sinned and come short of the Glory of God, but He remains merciful to us.  Let us learn how to be the same with others.

What do you see when you look in your mirror in the morning, while brushing your teeth, shaving, putting on makeup, or combing your hair?  If you look closely, you may see an unwanted hair strand on your chin, or a pimple on your forehead, and realize it must be removed, so that you can handle the day, putting your best foot forward.  As long as the hair or any festered imperfection remain, your preoccupied mind will only concentrate steadily on that issue, rather than how you should function, until you press forward by getting rid of the unnecessary.  The same thing should be said when it comes to how we are with others, and whether we need to become individually transformed, so that greater things can take place in us, resonating through us, and into others, giving them hope.   
Therefore, as God's Chosen People, Holy and dearly loved, CLOTHE YOURSELVES with Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness and Patience.  Bear with each other and Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you!  And over all these virtues PUT ON LOVE, which binds them all together in perfect unity!" (Colossians 3:12-14)
Change the image of the unsure, to the light of the blessed assurance.  Everyone will benefit from the way we speak, walk, and live!  Consider the following lyrics of the song, continue seeking the face of God's direction, and see what transpires.  In Him, there is no failure, so let us always be mindful of who we represent!  We must, and CAN still make it!  YES, WE CAN!

I'm Gonna Make A Change
For Once In My Life,
It's Gonna Feel Real Good, Gonna Make A Difference,
Gonna Make It Right . . .

As I Turn Up the Collar On 
My Favorite Winter Coat, 
This Wind Is Blowin' My Mind,
I See The Kids In The Street, With Not Enough To Eat,
Who Am I To Be Blind,
Pretending Not To See Their Needs;
A Summer's Disregard, A Broken Bottle Top,
And A One Man's Soul,
They Follow Each Other On The Wind Ya' Know,
'Cause They Got Nowhere To Go,
That's Why I Want You To Know...

I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror,
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways,
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer,
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change!!!

I've Been A Victim Of A Selfish Kind Of Love,
It's Time That I Realize,
That There Are Some With No Home, Not A Nickel To Loan,
Could It Be Really Me, Pretending That They're Not Alone?

A Willow Deeply Scarred, Somebody's Broken Heart,
And A Washed-Out Dream
They Follow The Pattern Of The Wind, Ya' See,
Cause They Got No Place To Be
That's Why I'm Starting With ME!

I'm Starting With The Man In The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways
And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A -

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